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Spiritual Laws of Money 101

Nikhila Sastry

10 Sept 2020



Money & Spirituality?

Aren't they like antonyms or something?

If this is what you think, I do not blame you.

That's what we have been conditioned to believe.


Hate it or love it, you surely need it!

Nothing in our society is untouched by money. It permeates every area and aspect of our lives.

Some believe that money is the root of all evil. Some believe money equals happiness.

Some think of it all day. Some believe the very thought of it is a sin.

Why is something that is so important to the quality of our life, so perplexing and mysterious?

We as a society have been conditioned to look at money as all things evil.

Money is construed as the cause of all things evil.

Doesn't it strike you irony?

We despise the love of money yet want more money.

In reality, isn't it the lack of money that causes a myriad of problems in society?

Then, why is it that there are so many rich corrupt people? You might ask.

"Money doesn't corrupt people. People corrupt money." - T. Harv Eker

Money is a mirror.

Oh yes, it is. It reflects and magnifies who you are from within.

It makes a good man better. It makes a bad man worse.

There are stingy, corrupt millionaires and there are philanthropist billionaires as well.

That's what a lot of money does to people. Amplifies who they are as people at their core.

Let's look at money for what it truly is.

What exactly is money?

Money is a medium of exchange and a tool of the trade.

Nothing more and nothing less.

Money equalizes value. Money stores values.

The value you create is proportional to the money you make.

You are valuable to your organization, and hence you are paid for the contribution you make.

This is the philosophy of wealth creation which forms the very basis of civilization.

By itself, money is a mere piece of paper. It is what it represents that gives it value.

Money represents your hard work. Money represents your talents and skills. Money represents your productivity. Money represents progress.

Check out this video to know more about the spiritual laws of money.


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